February 8-9, 2025
Do not miss the opportunity to diversify your running experience and run the sprints & middle distances and relay.
Saturday, February 8 |
8:00 | Start area opens. Participants' packets pick-up. | |
9:00 | Master Classes | |
10:00 | Starts 60 m (women) | |
10:25 | Starts 60 m (men) | |
11:10 | Final 600 m (women) | |
11:30 | Final 600 m (men) | |
12:20 | Final 60 m (women) | |
12:25 | Final 60 m (men) | |
12:55 | Awarding 60 m, 600 m | |
13:10 | Finals 1000 m (women) | |
14:00 | Finals 1000 m (men) | |
15:35 | Master Classes | |
16:05 | Awarding 1000 m | |
16:15 | Relay 4×200 m | |
18:25 | Awarding Relay | |
18:35 | Сompetition Closing |
Sunday, February 9 |
8:00 | Start area opens. Participants' packets pick-up. | |
9:00 | Master Classes | |
10:00 | Finals 300 m (women) | |
10:25 | Starts 300 m (men) | |
10:50 | Finals 1 mile (women) | |
11:35 | Finals 1 mile (men) | |
13:00 | Master Classes | |
13:30 | Awarding 300 m, 1 mile | |
13:50 | Relay 800-600-400-200 m | |
17:20 | Awarding Relay | |
17:30 | Сompetition Closing |
В рамках соревнований тренеры Бегового сообщества проведут открытые мастер-классы для участников.
Тренеры покажут, как правильно разминаться перед забегом на короткую или среднюю дистанцию, научат стартовать с колодок, а также объяснят правила поведения на дорожке. Участникам дополнительно расскажут о том, как правильно передавать эстафетную палочку и другие важные детали участия в командном забеге.
Принять участие в мастер-классах смогут зарегистрированные на забег бегуны. Предварительная запись на мастер-классы не требуется.
To register for the competition, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number. After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.
Online registration will close 23:59 3.02.2025. Online registration may be closed earlier if the entry limit is reached.
Full racing rules are available at the russian version of the website.
If registered from January 10 until February 3:
February 8-9 from 8:00 at the start area
To pick-up participant packet you must present:
If you can’t pick-up your participant packet, a friend or family member may serve as your proxy and pick up your race materials for you. Proxy must bring the following documents for person he/she is representing:
The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition. A participant with a another's number will be disqualified.
Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.
Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.
Соревнования будут проходить в легкоатлетическом манеже НИУ МГСУ по адресу Москва, Ярославское ш., д.26, к.4.
Если вы едете на метро, следуйте до м. ВДНХ.
Далее на автобусе 172, 244, 136, 536 или трол. № 76 до остановки «Улица Вешних вод». Далее пешком по территории университета до дворца спорта НИУ МГСУ.
For your convenience, male and female changing tents, baggage storage and toilets are available in the start area.
Men and women of different distances start at different times.
Follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race. Please mind your fellow runners. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.
Full racing rules are available at the russian version of the website.
Medical aid will be located at the start area. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so. If you need medical aid, you may to ask any volunteer or fellow runners to an emergency call for you.
Your result will be measured with professional timing system and judges at the finish.
Participants who rank 1-3 in each distance and relay will be awarded.
To join our volunteer's team please reach us by email volunteer@runc.run
9:00-18:00 on weekdays
8 800 777-12-04 (for calls within Russia) |
+7 495 481-22-04 (for other countries) |
info@runc.run |
partner@runc.run (partnership) |
shop@runc.run (brand store) |
corp@runc.run (corporate clients) |
Postal address
Luzhniki st., 24, building 39, room 15, office I |
Moscow, Russia 119270 |